Category Archives: Divorce

Fear and Divorce – What You Should Know

In my experience, there are several common fears that most divorce clients have as they enter a process that will dramatically change their lives.  Those fears start with: What are their post-divorce finances going to look like? Are they going to be able to afford the same lifestyle they had before? Are they going to […]

Illinois Divorce in the time of COVID-19

divorce during the novel coronavirus

Many people are wondering if the governor’s shelter at home order affects parenting time or visitation schedules.  It does not.  You should still continue with your parenting time/visitation schedules.  Some parents have provisions in the parenting agreements that state one parent has all “school holidays.”  School might be out or still in session remotely (it’s […]

Divorce Can Be a Trying Experience, Let Us Help

Illinois Divorce

At the Law Offices of Patrick Markey, P.C., we strive to help our clients successfully navigate all facets of the legal separation and divorce process in Illinois, including property division and maintenance payments. Divorce can be a trying experience, let us help. Watch this video about guiding you through the process of divorce. Divorce Law […]

Financial Mistakes during Divorce

Financial Mistakes in Divoce

Divorce can be very financially bad for a family.  Two separate households increases the family’s bills substantially.  Double the utilities and housing payment.   That alone can break a family. Unfortunately, many families that are getting divorced had financial problems during their marriage which help lead to the divorce.  One or both spouses spent irresponsibility or […]

Should we make it harder to marry?

getting divorced Illinois

Everyone knows it can be very difficult and expensive to get divorced even if you have been married a short time.  Would some of these individuals not be getting divorced (or not have married) if they would have received pre-marital legal counseling or premarital legal counseling?  Premarital counseling would discuss sharing finances, financial goals, dispute […]

Save Money when you Separate-Legal Separation and Health Care

Legal Separation Illinois

The term “legal separation” is almost always misused by the general public and even lawyers who do not practice in the area of family law.   The term itself is very confusing, so I can understand why. Many people say they are “legally separated” from their spouse when what they really mean is that they broke […]